Tuesday, February 26, 2008

At last, a Calorie Shifting Diet that really works!

Why is it that every time I come back from a nice relaxing holiday I seem to have put on weight? Well, this past Christmas / New Year break in Thailand was no different and on my return I found that my previously comfortably loose favorite casual slacks were feeling decidedly “snug”. So, time for action!

Now I’ve never been one for attempting diets or fitness regimes that seem overly onerous, or those that require significant change of lifestyle. Basically I’m a bit lazy but I also shy away from all those “faddy” diets pushed by Hollywood fanatics. If even some of the spiel is doubtful and not backed by logical, solid scientific evidence then I get real skeptical.

That’s when a friend put me onto the Calorie Shifting Diet. Calorie shifting is accomplished by constantly changing what you eat, so that your body doesn't get used to any routine. Your metabolism remains high and your body burns fat faster and more efficiently. The reason why 95% of diets fail is that most diets are based on reducing the amount of calories you eat. This causes your metabolism to slow down, so you may lose weight in the beginning, but, when your body gets used to the new nutrition regime, you end up gaining it all back.

Many diets fail because they are based on a greatly reduced calorie intake and/or a total avoidance of certain food groups. A low calorie diet causes your metabolism to slow down considerably and your body to burn less and less fat. Diets telling you to stop eating a certain food group like no-carbs or no-protein diets, hurt the body because they deprive it of certain necessary ingredients. That can be dangerous. Once your body is deprived of carbs, it will adjust and hoard whatever carbs you put into it. Once you start eating carbs again your body will put on weight, especially if your metabolism has been reduced. It will not burn everything you put into it and will store it. The same will happen with zero fat diets, no protein diets and others.

What you need is a diet which lets you eat a reasonable amount of food with a certain supply of all necessary food groups that still helps you to lose weight. That sounds good to me, and a balanced diet should maintain a healthy and manageable nutritional program. That’s where the Calorie Shifting diet comes in.

The Calorie Shifting Diet method is based on changing what you eat from one day to the next. Shifting your calories keeps your metabolism high and you do not starve yourself. You don't have to stop eating, you just need to keep shifting your calories. Another aspect of Calorie Shifting is that because you keep changing what you eat you are less likely to get bored with your food, don't have to eat a specific food group, or to stop eating one.

I’m now in my second cycle of the Calorie Shifting Diet and, though there are daily fluctuations, I am steadily loosing fat. I don’t feel particularly hungry at any time, and the reasonable variety of food types is sufficient. Include a slight increase in my usual mild exercise opportunities and I feel okay. Time will tell how everything works out in the medium and longer term but so far it’s great. Watch this space!

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